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ВЕНДОРЫ > Neutrik
Лихтенштейн (штаб-квартира)
Neutrik is an international corporation with about 40 years of know-how and experience in the manufacture of innovative electrical and electronic interconnection products and systems. The company was founded in 1975 by Bernhard Weingartner and the owners of NeuElektrik AG, Gebhard Sprenger and Josef Gstoehl. The idea was and still is to create innovative products by utilizing the most recent mechanical and electronic know-how. Today we are the world leader in designing, manufacturing and marketing of audio, coaxial, power and circular connectors. Our main objective is to be „one step ahead“, i. e. to understand the future market needs before they become obvious and to accommodate demands before they occur.

Our audio range includes XLR connectors, plugs, jacks, speaker connectors, patch bays and fiber optic connection systems. Since the beginning in 1975, a great number of patents as well as license agreements are the evidence of Neutrik‘s innovative and creative achievements. No doubt, our customers can rely on having high quality products at an unsurpassed cost/performance ratio in their hands whenever they come across Neutrik.

Neutrik is committed to excellence in innovation, total quality based on ISO 9001-2008 and a reliable customer relationship.

The Neutrik Group consists of strategically placed subsidiaries in the United States of America, Great Britain, France, Japan, China, Hong Kong, India and Germany. A network of exclusive distributors in more than 80 countries worldwide provides global sales, technical support and distribution. The corporate headquarters is based in Schaan in the Principality of Liechtenstein where management, R&D, logistics, manufacturing and finance are located.

Категории продуктов Neutrik
    разъемы SpeakON
    разъемы TS/TRS (джек моно/стерео)
    разъемы XLR
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